Thursday, October 13, 2016

Transparency: the secret weapon for your CSR activities

A previous blog highlighted how for an organization being transparent in their communications can be critical and vulnerable. In this blog it was clear that sometimes the transparency of PR activities can put organizations under a deeper exposure to the critical eye of the media. What is interesting to emphasize is that, despite providing transparent information places the organization in a delicate position, being transparent in PR activities can be also beneficial. From this point of view, an open, clear and direct communication can be advantageous when used to reflect about the CSR (Corporate Social responsibility) efforts of companies.

Source: CSR

How being transparent can be desirable when talking about CSR

CSR communications and activities are still an unknown field from the point of view of customers. One key factor presented in the article of Bhaduri and Ha-Brookshire (2015) is that creating adequate and useful communication strategies may produce positive considerations about brands. In this sense providing transparent information about the CSR practices of companies as communicative strategy of PRs can influence how publics perceive brands and get informed about the topic of CSR.

Moreover, a previous study illustrates that to insist in the promotion of CSR efforts negatively frame companies. What is important is to understand which are the reasons and motivations that are the basis for the CSR activities. The authors introduce two main motives, the extrinsic motive, which portrays the CSR activity as a merely tool to increase the profits of companies, and the intrinsic motive, in which companies are seen as authentic interested about social concerns. The predominant reason perceived by publics can have an impact on how they interpret the CSR efforts. To reduce the gap between these two different raison d'ĂȘtres it is essential for PRs to offer transparent information about their CSR activities. To reach this scope PR practitioners should exactly report their efforts in clear materials and they should highlight the positive initiatives that companies promote for the well-being of the society.

Eventually, CSR activities are often surrounded by skepticism, especially when perceived as new strategies of PRs to greenwash their organizations. The negative perceptions that still persist about PR activities infer on the goodwill of CSR efforts. Embransing transparent communication on CSR can intensify the credibility of these actions, and the plausibility of PR activities. What can be useful for organizations is clearly explain and frankly present which are the interests in utilizing CSR activities for both the society and the company itself, without hiding the benefits that the company earns. Also important to attenuate the skepticism is to clearly illustrate the consistency of CSR actions with the business of the companies. Additionally, as Macnamara stated, to spread these information it is decisive to use effectively independent sources as newspapers, that are seen as credible and unbiased channels because not self-interested in organizations.

Source: Unknown


Being transparent can be risky for organizations, which may feel vulnerable for the possible attacks of public opinion and media attention. Nevertheless, in some circumstances the transparency of communication can provide an additional tool for PRs to effectively face and contribute to the promotion of delicate matters, as CSR efforts.

About the author:
Emanuela (25) is an Italian Master student in Corporate Communication at the University of Amsterdam. She is aficionado of sports media. She likes also cinema, series, travelling and enjoy the life with her friends.

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